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8. Rūpakaṣaṭkam: six dramas by Vatsaraja, minister of
Paramardideva of Kalinjara, who lived between the
2nd half of the 12th and the 1st quarter of 13th cen-
tury: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1918
9. Mohaparājaya: an allegorical drama describing the
overcoming of King Moha (Temptation), or the conver-
sion of Kumarapala, the Chalukya King of Guzerat,
to Jainism, by Yasahpala, an officer of King Ajaya-
deva, son of Kumarapala, who reigned from A.D. 1229
to 1232: edited by Muni Chaturvijayaji with Introduc-
tion and Appendices by C. D. Dalal, 1918
Rs. A.
Guzerat, by Balachandrasuri (from Modheraka or
Modhera in Kadi Prant, Baroda State), contemporary
of Vastupala, composed after his death for his son in
Samvat 1296 (A.D. 1240): edited by C. D. Dalal, 1917 1-8
10. Hammiramadamardana: a drama glorifying the two
brothers Vastupala and Tejahpala and their King Vira-
dhavala of Dholka, by Jayasinhasūri, pupil of Vira-
sūri, and an Acarya of the temple of Munisuvrata
at Broach, composed between Samvat 1276 and 1286
or A.D. 1220 and 1239: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1920.
11. Udayasundarikathā: a romance (Campu, in prose and
poetry) by Soddhala, a contemporary of and patronised
by the three brothers Chehittaraja, Nagarjuna, and
Mummuniraja, successive rulers of Konkan, composed
between A.D. 1026 and 1050: edited by C. D. Dalal
and Pandit Embar Krishnamacharya, 1920
12. Mahavidyāviḍambana: a work on Nyaya Philosophy,
by Bhatta Vadindra who lived about A.D. 1210 to
1274: edited by M. R. Telang, 1920
13. Prācīnagurjarakāvysangraha: collection of old
Guzerati poems dating from 12th to 15th centuries
A.D. edited by C. D. Dalal, 1920
14. Kumārapālapratibodha: a biographical work in
Prakrta, by Somaprabhacharya, composed in Sainvat
1241 or A.D. 1195: edited by Muni Jinavijayaji, 1920
Gaṇakārikā: a work on Philosophy (Päśupata School)
by Bhäsarvajňa who lived in the 2nd half of the 10th
century: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1921
Sangitamakaranda: a work on Music by Narada:
edited by M. R. Telang, 1920..
Kavindrācārya List: list of Sanskrit works in the
collection of Kavindräcārya, a Benares Pandit (1656
A.D.): edited by R. Anantakrishna Shastry, with a
foreword by Dr. Ganganatha Jha, 1921
Värähagrhyasutra: Vedic ritual (domestic) of the
Yajurveda: edited by Dr. R. Shamasastry, 1920
Lekhapaddhati: a collection of models of state and
private documents, dating from 8th to 15th centuries