2023-07-18 00:30:13 by ambuda-bot
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Document Information
Text title prachaNDachaNDItrishatI
File name prachaNDachaNDItrishatI.itx
Category shatI, devii, other forms, gaNapati-muni, devI, trishatI
Location doc_devii
Author Shri Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Proofread by Kaushal S. Kaloo kaushalskaloo at gmail.com
Description-comments The Collected Works of Vasishtha Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni Vol 2.15
Latest update: July 3, 2013
Send corrections to : sanskrit@cheerful.com
This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study and research. The
file is not to be copied or reposted without permission, for promotion of any website or
individuals or for commercial
Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit.
Please note that proofreading is done using Devanagari version and other language/scripts
are generated using sanscript.
January 14, 2022
Document Information
Text title prachaNDachaNDItrishatI
File name prachaNDachaNDItrishatI.itx
Category shatI, devii, other forms, gaNapati-muni, devI, trishatI
Location doc_devii
Author Shri Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Proofread by Kaushal S. Kaloo kaushalskaloo at gmail.com
Description-comments The Collected Works of Vasishtha Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni Vol 2.15
Latest update: July 3, 2013
Send corrections to : sanskrit@cheerful.com
This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study and research. The
file is not to be copied or reposted without permission, for promotion of any website or
individuals or for commercial
Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit.
Please note that proofreading is done using Devanagari version and other language/scripts
are generated using sanscript.
January 14, 2022