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KAKŞA (1) Usually mentioned in duel number as
(2) The two hinder parts of an army which is
recommended to be arranged in five parts as
follows, the two front parts called the 2 Pakşas,
the two hinder parts called the Kakşas and the
middle part called the Urasya (q.v.) (see AS' X.
5. X. 6 etc.)
KANTAKA-(1) An antisocial element.
(2) Any source of vexation to the State and the
society like a thief. (AS' VI. 1, Manu Sam. IX
252, 253, 260).
(3) Medhatithi on Manu Sam IX. 252 observes-
kanţakas'abdaḥ pīḍāhetusāmāṇyāt taskarādīşu
(Anti-social elements like the thief are called
Kanţaka because of causing pain or vexation like
the thorn).
KANTAKAS'ODHANA-Legal procedure for
punishing the anti-social elements. Three judi-
cial magistrates called Pradeştā, well equipped
with the Amatyagunas and also belonging to the
status of a Mahāmātra, form a court of trial for
dealing with cases of misappropriation, bribery
and other such corruptions. (AS' IV. 1, etc.).¹
KARA (1) Any sort of revenue or tax or duty pay-
able to the state. Land tax, customs duties,
annual revenue and all sorts of levies are meant
by the term when Manu discusses about the whole
system of Kara in Manu Sam, VII. 127 to 137.
1. Cf. Manu Sam., IX. 253.
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