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Political Concepts in Ancient India
ADHIVEDANIKA-A compensation given to the
first wife by her husband on his marrying another
woman. (AS' III. 2, Yajnavalkya II.143, 148).
ĀJIVA-A profession or source of income. (AS' III.
ABHIGĀMIKA—(GUŅAS)—(1) Certain attractive
qualities which make the King dear to his
subjects. These qualities are enumerated by
Kautilya in AS' VI.1, and they are as follows:
The King should be Mahakulina (of high birth),
Daivasampanna (endowed with the merits of
the previous birth), Buddhisampanna (endowed
with intelligence), Sattvasampanna (endowed
with steadiness), Brddhadarsi, (prepared
to listen to the old men), Dharmika (pious),
Satyavak (truthful), Avisamyadaka (keeping
conformity of deeds with words), Kṛtajna
(grateful for good done by others), Sthulalakṣā
(highly generous), Mahotsaha (highly enthu-
siastic), Adirghasutra (prompt in action), Śakya-
sāmanta (capable of keeping vessels in control),
Drdhabuddhi' (firm in determination), Aksudra-
parişatka (having a sufficiently large council
of ministers) and Vinayakāma (a lover of
(2) Kamanda ka gives these qualities in verse
form as follows:-
kulam sattvam vayaḥ silam daksinyam
avisamvadita satyam vṛddhasevā kṛtajňatā
daivasampannatā buddhirakṣudraparivāratā
7. There is an alternative reading Drḍhabhakti (firmly de-
voted) supported also by the list given by Kamandaka.
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