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Public administration and the designation and
functions of administrative officers in an average
monarchical form of government.
Public finance-various sources of revenue-
principles of taxation and various forms of tolls
and levies-the schedule of pay and emoluments
to be paid to dignitaries and officials.
Judicial administration-civil, criminal and
personal laws-various offences and their punish-
Foriegn policy-the theory of the circles of allied
and enemy Kings.
Espionage and the functions of the emissaries.
The principles of aggression, treaty and
Military organisation-varieties of the army-
branches of the army-training of the men and
animals and the art of war-various weapons
and accessories fortification and details of
The Scope of the Present Glossary
L.M. Harrod in the Introduction of his work,
The Librarians' Glossary, defines Glossary as "an
alphabetical list of abstruse, obsolete, unusual,
technical, dialectical or other terms concerned with
a subject field, together with definitions". In the
light of the subject field relating to ancient Indian
Politics, indicated above, the present Glossary also is
expected to contain the technical terms pertaining
to all the above aspects and as found in the whole
literature surveyed earlier. But the present work is
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