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admiration for Kautilya. He pays homage to the

illustrious Viṣṇugupta (Kautilya) who churned up

the nectar in the form of the science of politics

(Nītiśāstra) from the ocean of Arthasśāstra (i.e., the

vast lore of Politics).[^15] This is in reality a summary

of the work of Kautilya in verse form. Except

Kautilya's treatment of the republican form of

government and civil, criminal and personal law,

almost everything that we have in the Arthaśāstra

is reproduced here in a summarised verse form con-
venient for memorisation.

venient for memorisation.
Other Technical Works on Politics

The SukraniŚukranīti, stuffed with varied and some-

times new informations on duties of the King, func-

tions of officials, foreign policy and art of war,

civil and judicial administration, etc., is most pro-

bably a work of the 11th or the 12th century A.D.

The Nitivaītivākyāmṛta of Somadeva (10th C.A.D.) is

an electic work based generally on old authorities.

Politics is elaborately discussed along with other

aspects of Dharma in several works like the Abhilaşi-

tārthacintāmaṇi of Someśvara (1331 A.D.), Yukti-

kalpataru of Bhoja (1025 A.D., Raājaniītikalpataru

of Laksmīdhara (1125 A.D.), Raājaniit<error>īit</error><fix>īti</fix>kāṇḍa of

Devanabhaṭṭa (c. 1300 A.D.), Raājanitiratnākara
of Candeśvara (c. 1325 A.D.), Nītimayuūkha of Nīla-

ha (c. 1625 A.D.), Rājanītiprakāsa of Mitra miśra

(c. 1650 A.D.) and the Manasollaāsa of the Calukyan
King Someśvara (1125-1138 A.D.), which is more

15. ni] nītiśāstrāmṛtaṁ śrīmān arthaśāstra mahodadheḥ ya
uddadhre namastasmai viş

uddadhre namastasmai viṣ
nuguptaāya vedhase (Kaāman-

ya Nitisūītisāra. I.6).
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