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Political Concepts in Ancient India
(2) While commenting on Aitareya Brāhmaṇa,
VIII.14 ff., Sayaṇa gives the meaning of this
term as 'independence'. A.B. Keith, in the same
context, renders the term as 'sovereignty'.
HASTIVYUHA-A battle order consisting of ele-
phants (AS. X.5).
HASTYADHYAKŞA-Superintendent of ele-
phants. The officer was to look after the training
and well being of all the elephants of the state.
(AŚ. II.31).
HIRANYA-Tax payable to the King in cash (and
most probably in gold coins alone). The term
occurs in the Banskhera Copper Plate of Har-
şavardhana,¹ side by side with the terms Bhāga
and Bhogakara, which also mean other forms
of taxes. Hiraṇya may be a tax in addition to
other dues or in lieu of the share of the produce.
HIRANYA-SANDHI-Treaty for the acquisition
of wealth. When in a Sandhi both parties aim
at gaining some wealth, it is called Hiranya-
sandhi. (AS. VII.9).
1. Vide, Raj Bali Pandey, Historical and Literary Inscriptions,
p. 145 f.
2. bhāga-bhoga-kara-hiraṇyādi (line 12).
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