2023-03-08 12:09:01 by Krishnendu
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lics by weakening their political fabric in A
XI.1. But in the concluding verse of the same
chapter he observes that the Sa
should administer justice, should have control
over his senses, should be energetic, should be
dear to the citizens and should always endeavour
to attract their mind.
to attract their mind. Cf. saṁgha-mukhyaśca saṁgheṣu nyāya-vṛttihitahpriyaḥ
dānto yuktajanastisthet sarvacittāṇuvartakaḥ (AŚ XI. 1).
(4) Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva (Ch. 107, VV. 23-
25) instructs that it is the duty of the Ga
mukhyas to conduct the affairs of the commu-
nity.(lokayātrā samāyāttā). The policy resolutions
should remain with the Ga
entire political community (i.e. the Ga
should not learn all the policies in their entirety.
should not learn all the policies in their entirety.
The Ga
in the interest of the Ga
community) in a meeting with the Ga
SAMRĀT-An emperor
khyas. Cf. Jayswal loc. cit,
tasmān mānayitav
lokayātra samāyattā bhuyasī teṣu pārthiv
mantraguptiḥ pradhaneṣu cāraścāmitrakarśanam
na gaṇaḥ kṛtsnaśo mantraṁ śrotum arhanti b
gaṇamukyaistu saṁb
as Samrajya. This term has almost the same
connotation since the Vedic age. Cf.
6. Cf. samgha-mukhyaśca samgheşu nyaya-vrttihitahpriy
dānto yuktajanastisthet sarvacittāṇuvartakaḥ (AŚ XI. 1).
7. Cf. Jayswal loc. cit, and the following:
tasmān mānayitavyāste gaṇamukhyāḥ pradhānataḥ
lokayātra samāyattā bhuyasî teşu pārthiva
mantraguptiḥ pradhaneṣu cāraścāmitrakarśanam
na ganaḥ kṛtsnaśo mantram śrotum arhanti bhārata
gaṇamukyaistu sambhuya karyam ganahitam mithaḥ
SAMRĀṬ--An emperor, having lordship over a
number of feudatories, his empire being known
as Sāmrājya. Basham, The Wonder that was India, p. 94; Altekar, SGAI,
p. 37.
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connotation since the V