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(4) The term Samaharta corresponds to the term
Bhagadhuk (q.v.) of the list of Ratnīns (q.v.).
SAMITI-The greatest popular assembly of the
Vedic age. The Samiti was the gathering of the
whole race or of the heads of all the families.
Its main function was to elect the King. A
King could remain in office only so long as he
could be agreeable to the Samiti. In a cele-
brated hymn of the Rgveda there is a prayer for
'a common Samiti' and 'a common policy of
State'. Hence, we may gather that the Samiti
used to deliberate on policy matters also. In the
Atharvaveda, Samiti is described as the sister
of Sabha (q.v.).³
received royal income
from various sources of income (AŚ II.6, II. 8).
SAMGRAHAŅA-An administrative circle consist-
ing of ten villages. Each Samgrahana was to be
under an administrative officer called Gopa.
(AŚ II.1).
SAMGRAHITĀ (1) The royal Treasurer. As such
he is one of the eleven Ratnins (q.v.).
(2) In time of Kautilya, this high officer came
to be called Sannidhātā (q.v.).
SAMGHA (1) =Gana, a tribal republic.
(2) That Samgha is a synonym of Gana is evi-
6. Cf. dhruvaya te samitiḥ kalpatāmiha (Atharvaveda, 6.88.3)
(Let you definitely remain the choice of the Samiti).
7. Cf. samano mantraḥ samitiḥ samāni (Rgveda X. 191.3).
8. See Basham, The Wonder that was India, P. 33 and Jayas-
wal, Hindu Polity, pp. 12 f.
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