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some cases a Vişaya was included in a Mandala
and in some cases a Mandala was included in a
Visaya, while in certain places both the terms
were used as synonyms.
VISTI (1) Service rendered by unpaid (voluntary)
labour (AŚ I.1).
(2) Service rendered by unpaid labours engaged
as a punishment (AŚ II.7).
(3) Wages paid to casual labour (AŚ II.6).
(4) Vişti is the common designation of a varie-
ties of workmen like the Marjaka (sweeper),
Arakṣaka (guard), Dhāraka (weighing man), etc.
(Vide AŚ II.15).
(5) The host of workmen engaged in royal work
(AŚ II.35).
VAIDEHAKA VYAŇJANA—A spy or secret agent
in the guise of a merchant (AS I.16).
VAIYĀPṚTYAKARA-A retail seller. (AŚ III.
(2) This term occurs in the Jaina Ācārangasūtra
quoted under Ganarajya (q.v.).
(3) There is also a passage in the Attareya
Brahmaṇa, containing this term, where (as
explained by certain modern authorities) it is
recorded that the people in general (janapadāḥ)
belonging to the northern republics of Uttara-
kuru and Uttaramadra lying beyond the Hima-
layas were anointed to take part in Vairajya
4. D. C. Sircar, Glossary, p. 377.
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