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Political Concepts in Ancient India
VIGRAHA-(1) Hostility (the opposite of Sandhi).
(2) One of the six modes of foreign policy (see
(3) It is a sort of cold war when one party re-
mains harmful to the other. Cf. apakaro vigra-
haḥ (AŚ VII.1).
VIJIGIŞU-Aggressor, the central figure in the
circle of allied and enemy Kings as conceived
in the Mandala-theory. The Kings of the
circle are determined as Ari, Mitra, Arimitra
etc.with references to this Vijīgiṣu, and all the
precepts of the theorists are offered only to
fulfil the interest of the Vijīgişu.
VIDYA (1) Title of a traditional list of four basic
sciences, viz. Anvīkşikī, Trayī, Vārtā and
Daṇḍanīti. (AŚ I.1).
(2) The subjects forming the King's curriculum
of studies, taken collectively (cf. AS. I.5;
and Manu Sam. VII. 43).
VINIYUKTA-(1) An officer immediately below
the rank of Ayukta.'
(2) May be equal to the term Viniyuktaka. (Ep.
Ind. Vol. XI. pp. 80-83).
VINDAMĀNĀ-A woman who remarries another
man after the death of the first husband. (AS
VIRĀJ-(1) A king who enjoys "a higher degree of
supremacy as a King" signified by the term
Vairājya (q.v.).
7. Vide., D. C. Sircar, Indian Epigraphical Glossary, p. 375.
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