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righteousness, used to practise the ten royal
duties, known by this term, and the names of
some of them are given as alms-giving, morality,
liberality, straight-forwardness, refraining from
anger and from injury, forbearance and refrain-
ing from opposition."
RĀJANĪTI—(1) Also called Niti or Rajavidyā.
(2) The science of Statecraft.
(3) Pandey suggests that Rajaniti is an aspect
not of Dharmaśāstra, but of Arthasastra. Un-
like Rajadharma, Rajanīti concerns mainly
with the acquisitions of material prosperity and
their security and safety from outside aggression.
RĀJA-NĪTI-ŠASTRA-The sciences of politics.
(See Rājanīti).
RĀJA ŠĀSTRA-The science of politics. Same as
Dandanīti (q.v.).
RĀJASUYA-A ritual performed for the consecra-
tion of a King. Cf.
rājña eva rājasūyam, rājā vai rājasūyeneṣṭva
bhavati.... "The Rajasuya verily belongs to
the King. One indeed becomes a King by
performing the Rajasuya sacrifice". (Sata-
patha Brāhmaṇa. V.11.12).
RAJĀ (Nom. singular of the word Rajan).
(1) The original form of this word, literally mean-
ning a ruler, was Rat, and it is connected with
Latin rex.⁹
7. U. N. Ghoshal, Ibid., p. 69.
8. K. C. Pandey, "Rajaniti or Politics", Indian Antiquary,
1964, I. 2. p. 102.
9. Jayaswal, Hindu Polity, p. 183; Basham, The Wonder
that was India, p. 33.
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