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righteousness, used to practise the ten royal
duties, known by this term, and the names of
some of them are given as alms-giving, morality,
liberality, straight-forwardness, refraining from
anger and from injury, forbearance and refrain-
ing from opposition. U. N.
righteousness, used to practise the ten royal
duties, known
hoshal, Iby this term, and the names of
some of them are given as alms-giving, morality,
liberality, straight-forwardness, refraining from
anger and from injury, forbearance and refrain-
ing from opposition."
id., p. 69.
RĀJANĪTI—(1) Also called Niti or Raīti or Rājavidyā.

(2) The science of Statecraft.

(3) Pandey suggests that Rajaniti is an aspect

not of Dharmaśāstra, but of Arthasastraśāstra. K. C. Pandey, "Rājaniti or Politics", Indian Antiquary, 1964, I. 2. p. 102. Un-

like Rajadharma, Raājadharma, Rājanīti concerns mainly

with the acquisitions of material prosperity and
their security and safety from outside aggression.

their security and safety from outside aggression.
RĀJA-NĪTI-ŠASTRA--The sciences of politics.

(See Rājanīti).

RĀJA ŠĀSTRA--The science of politics. Same as

Dandṇḍanīti (q.v.).

RĀJASUŪYA--A ritual performed for the consecra-

tion of a King. Cf.

rājña eva rājasūyam, rājā vai rājasūyeneṣṭva

bhavati.... "The Rajasuājasūya verily belongs to

the King. One indeed becomes a King by
performing the Rajasu

performing the Rājasū
ya sacrifice". (Sata-
patha Brāhmaṇa. V.11.12).

--(Nom. singular of the word Raājan).

(1) The original form of this word, literally mean-

ning a ruler, was Rat, and it is connected with

Latin rex.⁹
7. U. N. Ghoshal, Ibid., p. 69.
8. K. C. Pandey, "Rajaniti or Politics", Indian Antiquary,
1964, I. 2. p. 102.
. Jayaswal, Hindu Polity, p. 183; Basham, The Wonder

that was India, p. 33.
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