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and to look after their welfare. From the same

Edict, asking them to follow a uniform policy in

punishment, we learn that the Rajjukas had

judicial powers as well. Cf. viyohāla-samatā ca siya daṇḍa--samata ca (Ibid.--
Line 15)
. The word rajju means

a rope and hence these officers presumably were

responsible also for revenue settlement and re-

venue assessment etc. See Altekar, SGAI, pp. 213 f. But the word rajju may

not be the land-measuring rope and may be the

rope for binding a thief or such criminal and

hence the term may mean something like a

police officer. Cf. the term Dandṇḍapāśika.

RATNA--HAVIS--A Vedic ritual forming part of
the coronation ceremony and more precisely

the coronation ceremony and more precisely
of the Raājasuūya sacrifice. 'In this ceremony

the King-designate goes to the house of each of

the Ratnins (q.v.) and offers an oblation at his

(or her) place in honour of a particular deity."
J, R. Basu, IAB, p. 108.
This is also an act of honour to the Ratnins who

are recognised as King-makers Raājakṛtah. The

details of this ceremony are given in the Sata-
patha Brāhmaṇa, 5-3-1.

RATHAKĀRA--(1) One of the Ratnins (q.v.)

named in the Maitrāyaṇī Samhitaṁhitā (i.e., the Mai-

trāyaṇī edn. of Yajurveda).

(2) The plain meaning of the term is 'chariot-

builder'. In order to have special recognition

from the King-elect in time of his consecration

as a Ratnin, this Rathakaāra must have been

the chief of the chariot makers, holding a high
degree of technological proficiency.
3. Cf. viyohala-samata ca siya danda-samata ca (Ibid.-
Line 15).
4. See Altekar, SGAI, pp. 213 f.
5. J, R. Basu, IAB, p. 108.
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