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Cf. devaradva sapiṇḍādvā striyā samyan niyuktayā
prajepsita dhigantavyā santānasya parikṣaye
(Manu Sam. 9. 59).
The word niyoga is mentioned in Manu Sam.
9.61 and 9.62.
NIVEŠANA—Marriage of a widow with a second
husband. (AS III. 2, etc.).
NISANTA-The royal abode (AŚ I. 20.).
NIŞĀDA-See Pārāśava.
NISRṢTĀRTHA-Duta-One of the three main
varieties of Duta. He possesses all the desirable
qualities of an Amatya in full.
Cf. amatyasampad upeto nisrstarthaḥ. (AŚ. I.
NITI (1) Derived from the root ni the word means
proper guidance or direction. Hence it means
the code of ethics and wisdom.
Cf. the title, Nitiśataka of one of the works of
(2) Most probably as an abbreviation of the term
Rajanīti the present word means the science of
Cf. the title Nitikalpataru of a work on politics
by Lakṣmīdhara (1150 A.D.).
NĪTI-ŚĀSTRA-Science of polity or of general
good conduct.
NIVI (1) Remainder after deducting expenditure
from income. (vide AŚ II. 6).
4. For the derivation of the word niti from root ni.
Cf. dandena niyate cedam dandam nayati va punaḥ dandanitir
iti khyātā trinlokān abhivartate (Mahabharata. Santi Parva, 59-78).
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