2023-02-20 00:53:52 by ambuda-bot
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for as if the explanations had been put in English. Even our own
countrymen do not appreciate works written in Sanskrit until
praise of them comes out of the West. I hope my book will seem
praiseworthy to foreign scholars like Professors Bühler, Max
Müller, Weber and Kielhorn, *but still more do I hope that my
labours will prove of service to those, if they be only a few, whether
Hindu or European, who are fellow-students with me of these old
philosophies. This I shall look on as the fruit of my labours.
Those who find this book useful in their study of the old
philosophies of India should know that they are under deep ob-
ligation to K. M. Chatfield, Esq., Director of Public Instruction,
who has shown his appreciation of Nyayakos'a by conferring
on it this re-birth. I am greatly indebted to him for the
opportunity he has given me of taking such place among the
teachers of Nyaya as the learned world, after perusal of this book,
may think fit to accord to me. My thanks are due also to my
friend Dr. Peterson, who was good enough to recommend to Mr.
Chatfield the publication of this second edition.
Bombay, Elphinstone)
* I take this opportunity of thanking Professor Weber warmly for his reviow
of my first Edition in the Literarisches Centralblatt wherein he says:-
"We have in this book a concise explanation, based on the chief work of the
Nyaya Vais'eşika systems, and justified in every case by full quotations and
references, of all technical terms of these two systems in alphabetical order...
It is a work of the greatest merit and industry, demanding as must have done
the complete mastery of a literature of more than ordinary extent and difficulty,
which is, moreover, in many cases only accessible as yet in manuscripts, and the
greatest judgment in selecting and arranging the material.
We gladly tender
our thanks to the author for the pains he has spent upon it."
for as if the explanations had been put in English. Even our own
countrymen do not appreciate works written in Sanskrit until
praise of them comes out of the West. I hope my book will seem
praiseworthy to foreign scholars like Professors Bühler, Max
Müller, Weber and Kielhorn, *but still more do I hope that my
labours will prove of service to those, if they be only a few, whether
Hindu or European, who are fellow-students with me of these old
philosophies. This I shall look on as the fruit of my labours.
Those who find this book useful in their study of the old
philosophies of India should know that they are under deep ob-
ligation to K. M. Chatfield, Esq., Director of Public Instruction,
who has shown his appreciation of Nyayakos'a by conferring
on it this re-birth. I am greatly indebted to him for the
opportunity he has given me of taking such place among the
teachers of Nyaya as the learned world, after perusal of this book,
may think fit to accord to me. My thanks are due also to my
friend Dr. Peterson, who was good enough to recommend to Mr.
Chatfield the publication of this second edition.
Bombay, Elphinstone)
* I take this opportunity of thanking Professor Weber warmly for his reviow
of my first Edition in the Literarisches Centralblatt wherein he says:-
"We have in this book a concise explanation, based on the chief work of the
Nyaya Vais'eşika systems, and justified in every case by full quotations and
references, of all technical terms of these two systems in alphabetical order...
It is a work of the greatest merit and industry, demanding as must have done
the complete mastery of a literature of more than ordinary extent and difficulty,
which is, moreover, in many cases only accessible as yet in manuscripts, and the
greatest judgment in selecting and arranging the material.
We gladly tender
our thanks to the author for the pains he has spent upon it."