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No. 3-6 Atharvaveda Samhitâ, with the Commentary
of Sâyapâcârya, edited by S. P. Pandit, Four
volumes, (not sold separately)
No. 7 Kavyaprakâsa, edited by Vamanacharya Załki-
kar, with bis own Commentary, Ullasas I
and II, l'rice annas ten only; (Fifth edition in
Press). Ullâsas I, II, III, and X together...
(i) Works in Press
1 Deśi-nâmamâla of Hemacandra, Second edition, with an
Index by Prof. P. V. Ramanujasvami, M. A. (No. 17).
I-Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series
Rs. as.
40 O
3 0
Tarkabhâşâ of Keśavamiśra, with Notes, by Prof. D. R.
Bhandarkar, M. A., Ph. D., and Pandit Kedarnath.
Nirukta, Vol. II, by Professor R. G. Bhadkamkar, M. A.
Kâvyaprakâśa, No. 7, (out of series) Ullåsas I-X, edited
by Vamanacharya Zalkikar, with his own Commentary
(Fifth edition)
2 Râjatarangini of Kalhana, Parts I, II, and III, by P.
Peterson and Pandit Durgaprasada, Second edition,
(Nos. 45, 51 and 54).
(iii) Works under Revision
Handbook to the study of Rgveda, Parts I and II, by
P. Peterson, Second edition (Nos. 41 and 43).
(iv) Works in Preparation
Mrochakatika, Vol. II, Notes, eto. by Sardar K. C.
Mehendale, B. A.
Kavyâdarśa of Dandin with Commentary, Notes eto. by
Dr. S. K. Belvalkar, M. A., Ph. D. and Raddi Shastri,
Second edition (No. 75).