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1-Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit Series
No. XLIV Åpastam ba-Dharmasutra, with the commen-
tary of Hiranyakośi, Parts I and II, by Dr.
G. Bühler re-edited by Prof. M. G. Shastri, M.A.
No. XLV Rajataranginî of Kalhana, Part I, (Cantos I
to VII) by Pandit Durgaprasad (under revision)
No. XLVI l'atañjali's Yogasutra, with the Scholia of
Vyâsa, and the Commentary of Vacaspati, and,
the Vrtti of Nâgojibhatta, by Rajaram Shastri
Bodas and Vasudeo Shastri Abhyankar, Second
No. XLVII Parâsara's Dharma-Sahitâ, with the
Commentary of Sâyaṇa-Mâdbavâcârya, Vol. I,
Part I, by Vaman Shastri Islampurkar (out of
No. XLVIII Parâsara's Dharma-Samhità, with the
Commentary of Sây ana-Mâdha vâcârya, Vol.I, Part
11, by Vaman Shastri Islampurkar (out of stock)
No. XLIX Nyâyakośa, by Mahâmahopâdhyâya Bhima-
charya Zalkikar, revised and considerably
enhanced third edition by M. M. Vasudeo
Shastri Abhyankar
No. L Âpastamba-Dharmashtra with the Commentary
of Hiranya kesi Part II, by Dr. G. Buhler, re-
edited by Prof. M. G. Shastri, M. A.
Rs. as.
No. LI Râjata rangini of Kalhapa, Vol. II, (Canto VIII)
by Pandit Durgaprasad, (under revision)
See above No. XLIV.
No. LII Mrochakatika, Vol. I, Text with two Com-
mentaries and various Readings, by N. B.
Godbole (out of stock)...
No. LIII Navasahasankacarita, Part I, by Vaman
Shastri Islampurkar (out of stock)...
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