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Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
No. X Dasakamâracarita of Danḍin, Part I, by Dr. G.
Bühler and Part II, by Dr. P. Peterson, re-edited
with Notes in one Volume, by G. J. Agashe
No. XI Nîtiśataka and Vairâgyaéataka of Bhartrhari,
edited with Notes, by Justice K. T. Telang,
(copy-right restored to the editor)
No. XII Nâgojibhatta's Paribbâsendusekhara, Part
IIC, (Paribhâsâs 70-122); Translation and Notes,
by Dr. F. Kielhorn (out of stock)
No. XIII Raghuvaméa of Kalidâsa, with the Commen-
tary of Mallinâtha, Part III (Cantos XIV-XIX)
edited with Notes, by S. P. Pandit, (out of
No. XIV Vikramâńkadevacarita of Bilhapa, by Dr. G.
Bühler, (oopy-right restored to the editor)
No. XV Malati-Mâdhava, with the Commentary of
Jagaddhara, edited with the Critical Notes, etc.
by Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar, Second edition
No. XVI Vikramorvaślya of Kalidasa, with Notes, by
S. P. Pandit, Third edition
No. XVII Hemaoandra's Deśî-namamâlâ, Part 1, by
Prof. Pischel and Dr. G. Buhler (in Press)
No. XVIII Vyâkarana-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol.
I, Part I, by Dr. F. Kielhora, (out of stock)
No. XIX Vyakaraṇa-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol.
I, Part II, by Dr. F. Kielhorn, (out of stock)
No. XX* Vyâkarana-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol. I,
Part III, by Dr. F. Kielhorn, (out of stock)
Rs. as.
4 6
Nos 18, 19 and 20 are bound together in one volume, the whole
volume being priced Rs. 4-8.
No. X Dasakamâracarita of Danḍin, Part I, by Dr. G.
Bühler and Part II, by Dr. P. Peterson, re-edited
with Notes in one Volume, by G. J. Agashe
No. XI Nîtiśataka and Vairâgyaéataka of Bhartrhari,
edited with Notes, by Justice K. T. Telang,
(copy-right restored to the editor)
No. XII Nâgojibhatta's Paribbâsendusekhara, Part
IIC, (Paribhâsâs 70-122); Translation and Notes,
by Dr. F. Kielhorn (out of stock)
No. XIII Raghuvaméa of Kalidâsa, with the Commen-
tary of Mallinâtha, Part III (Cantos XIV-XIX)
edited with Notes, by S. P. Pandit, (out of
No. XIV Vikramâńkadevacarita of Bilhapa, by Dr. G.
Bühler, (oopy-right restored to the editor)
No. XV Malati-Mâdhava, with the Commentary of
Jagaddhara, edited with the Critical Notes, etc.
by Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar, Second edition
No. XVI Vikramorvaślya of Kalidasa, with Notes, by
S. P. Pandit, Third edition
No. XVII Hemaoandra's Deśî-namamâlâ, Part 1, by
Prof. Pischel and Dr. G. Buhler (in Press)
No. XVIII Vyâkarana-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol.
I, Part I, by Dr. F. Kielhora, (out of stock)
No. XIX Vyakaraṇa-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol.
I, Part II, by Dr. F. Kielhorn, (out of stock)
No. XX* Vyâkarana-Mahâbhâsya of Patanjali, Vol. I,
Part III, by Dr. F. Kielhorn, (out of stock)
Rs. as.
4 6
Nos 18, 19 and 20 are bound together in one volume, the whole
volume being priced Rs. 4-8.