2023-02-25 17:56:08 by Hitu_css
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सकलकर्मात्मकदुरितनिवर्तनरूपमोक्षकथनं पद-
सर्वं चतुरस्रम्
इति श्रीमत् परमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्य महामण्डलेश्वर
श्रीकाशिकानन्दगिरिकृता नटराजस्तोत्रव्याख्या समाप्ता
देवसभा के स्वामी प्रभु शंकर के चरणों का दर्शन कराने वाले
दिव्यपदों से युक्त, पतञ्जलिकृत, चरणशृङ्गरहित नामक छन्द में
निबद्ध, सुललित इस स्तुति को कण्ठस्थ कर जो प्रति दिन पढता है।
सरोजोत्पन्न ब्रह्मा, इन्द्रादि दिक्पाल, एवं विष्णु आदि महान देवों की
दिव्य स्तुतियों से स्तुत शंकरभगवान के परमधाम को वह प्राप्त होता
Here ends the praise-song composed by Patanjali who
is an incarnation of the great serpent Shesha. One who
learns it by heart and recites it will find a seat (in the
assembly of gods). The praise-song is charming. The
words in it lead to the perception of the pair of feet of the
Lord. It flows on being beginningless and endless (or is
composed in the metre Charanashringarahita). It contains
the description of Shankara praised by the divine beings
headed by Brahmadeva, Lords of the Quarters and
Vishnu. One who recites this hymn reaches the highest
goal and does not (steep) into the ocean of worldly
existence which causes great sorrows and offers
sinfulness. (10).