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चरणशृङ्गरहितम् नटराजस्तोत्रम्

पृथिवी, वायु, अग्नि, आत्मा एवं सूर्य ये आठ उनके शरीर के रूप में

भास रहें हैं और वे अष्टमूर्ति हो रहे हैं। अनन्तवैभवसम्पन्न तीनों जगत

के अंदर रहकर सबको प्रकाशित करने वाले मणिस्वरुप, अमल,

त्रिनयन, त्रिपुरारि, सनन्दनादि उपासित करुणामय उन चिदम्बरस्थ

नटराज का हम भजन करतें हैं ५॥

I heartily resort to the Great Dancer Shiva, residing in

the holy place Chidambaram, whose lustre is

beginningless and endless. His feet are revered by the

gods. The pure one who is free from all blemishes resides

in the interior of sages' hearts (or is like spring-time to the

heart of hearts of sages). He wields a lovely body made

up of the following components water, sky, moon,

earth, wind, fire, sacrificer (atman) and Sun. His riches

are infinite; he is the jewel of the three worlds having

three eyes, he is inclined to smash the three cities of

Demon Tripura. The god who takes pity (on the

distressed) is saluted by Sage Sananda (5).

अचिन्त्यमलिवृन्दरुचिबन्धुरगलं कुरितकुन्दनिकुरम्बधवलं


अकम्पमनुकम्पितरतिं सुजनमंगलनिधिं गजहरं पशुपतिं

धनञ्जयनुतं प्रणतरञ्जनपरं परचिदम्बरनटं हृदि भजे ॥६

स्वरूपतः कार्यतश्च परमसुन्दरं सफलनमस्कारं द्योतयन् स्तौति

अचिन्त्यमित्यादि । स्वानुभववेद्यत्वात्केवलचिन्तनाऽविषयम् चिन्त्यम्