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चरणशृङ्गरहितम् नटराजस्तोत्रम्

समय में दशदिशाओं में हाथ घुमाते हुए - फैलाते हुए मानो वे सर्वतो

रक्षा कर रहे हैं। हाथ में मृग शिशु को धारण किये हुए हैं। चन्द्र, अग्नि

एवं सूर्य ये उनके तीन नेत्र हैं । पाशबद्ध जीवात्मा रूपी पशुओं के

पति, सर्व दुःखहारी, परम मंगलकारी, चिदम्बरस्थ उन नटराज का हम

भजन करते हैं ॥३॥

I heartily resort to the Great Dancer, Shiva residing in

the holy place, Chidambaram, who protects all the world.

His lofty place is due to his indestructible good qualities.

It is difficult to grasp his nature. He has held crescent

moon on his forehead. His matted hair is covetous of

holding the multitude of waves of the divine river,

Ganga. He has dispelled the vanity of Yama and is

capable of delivering men from the pangs of wordly life.

The Lord of Creatures, the auspicious God, in whose

hand an young deer is dancing, has spread his hands in all

the ten quarters. The Great Destroyer has Moon, Fire and

Sun as his eyes. (3)



शकुन्तरथबर्हिरथ *नन्दिमुखशृङ्गिरिटिभृङ्गिगणसङ्घनिकटम्

सनन्दसनकप्रमुखवन्दितपदं परचिदम्बरनटं हृदि भजे

* दन्तिमुखभृङ्गिरिटि - इति पाठान्तरम्

नटस्वरूपमुपसंहरन् स्तौति अनन्तेति