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साधु वत्स जगन्नाथ साधु विष्णो जगन्मय ।
पश्य त्वमात्मनाऽऽत्मानं परमं ज्योतिरैश्वरम् ॥ १८ ॥
शिवा घोरा चेति श्रुतिषु विदिते ये मम तनू
तयोराद्या मूर्तिः परमरमणीया त्वमसि मे ।
त्वमस्य देहे त्वमसि वदनं दक्षिणमिति
त्वयि प्रीये यावत्तव भवति तावच्च विदितम् ॥ २६ ॥
(नीलकण्ठविजय: - आ. ४)
With his wonderful mastery over all the subtletles.of Rasa,
with superior wit as his forte, and with his characteristic vakrokti
of the crescent, not of the dogtail type, Nilakantha his
Nilakaṇṭhavijaya works his marvellously beautiful way up to the
highest Rasa synthesis of Santa, now through a well conceived
satire on the ludicrous results of a selfish adherence to karma-
marga by the Yājnika representatives of Vedistic materialism and
now through diplomatic appeals such as we find in Brhaspati's
conversation with Śakra and Sukra in the third āśvāsa. And,
above all, responsive Sahṛdayas properly attuned to the many-
sided appeals of Nilakantha Dikşita's poetry, can never miss the
synthesis of varied poetic excellences behind the prose-poetry
synthesis on the formal side of the Nilakaṇṭhavijaya and are sure
to whole-heartedly subscribe to the following estimate:
" उपमा कालिदासस्य भारवेरर्थगौरवम् ।
दण्डिन: पदलालित्यं माघे सन्ति त्रयो गुणाः ॥"
भूम्ना भवन्ति यत्रैते गुणाः सर्वे तथापरे ।
नीलकण्ठस्य वक्रोक्तिः सा मुग्धेन्दुकलानिभा ॥
Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative
Philology, Presidency College, Madras.