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११. वनशूकरी (सो०) - वने जाता शूकरवद् रोमशा च ।
१२. वृषभी (प०) – वृष्यत्वात् ।
१३. वृष्यबीजा (अ०) – वृष्याणि बीजान्यस्याः ।
१४. शूकशिम्बी (रा० ) - शूकयुक्ता शिम्बी अस्याः ।
Kapikacchū ( Mucuna prurita Hook. ) is a clim-
ber growing in rainy season (prāvṛṣāyaṇī) wildly
( vanaśūkarī). Legumes are covered with stiff hairs
( śūkaśimbī ) like those of monkey ( kapiromaphalā,
markatī) and are shaped like monkey's tail ( lāūngūlī ).
The plant is protected naturally by hairs (ātmaguptā)
as they produce intense itching (kaṇḍurā) and as
such is difficult to handle ( durabhigrahā ). Seeds
resemble testicles ( adhyaṇḍā) and are potent aph-
rodisiac ( ajaḍā, vṛsabhī, vṛṣyabījā markaṭī ).
Specific characters
1. A climber growing in rainy season.
2. Legumes — shaped like monkey's tail, with
stiff hairs causing intense itching.
3. Seeds—the useful part, resemble testicles.
4. Action — a potent aphrodisiac.
३३. <entry>कपित्थः</entry> Kapittha
१. कपित्थःथ: (भा०) – कपयस्तिष्ठन्त्यत्र फलाशया ।

२. अक्षिसस्यः (कै०) - अक्षियुक्तं सस्यं फलमस्य ।

३. कठिनफल: (रा०) –कठिनं फलमस्य ।