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११. वनशूकरी (सो०) - वने जाता शूकरवद् रोमशा च ।

१२. वृषभी (प०) – वृष्यत्वात् ।

१३. वृष्यबीजा (अ०) – वृष्याणि बीजान्यस्याः ।

१४. शूकशिम्बी (रा० ) - शूकयुक्ता शिम्बी अस्याः ।


Kapikacchū ( Mucuna prurita Hook. ) is a clim-

ber growing in rainy season (pravṛṣāyaṇī) wildly

( vanaśūkarī). Legumes are covered with stiff hairs

( śūkaśimbī ) like those of monkey ( kapiromaphala,

markatī) and are shaped like monkey's tail ( laugūlī ).

The plant is protected naturally by hairs (ātmaguptā)
as they produce intense itching (kandura) and as

as they produce intense itching (kandura) and as
such is difficult to handle ( durabhitraha ). Seeds

resemble testicles ( adhyanda ) and are potent aph-

rodisiac ( ajada, vrsabhi, vrsyabijā markatī ).

Specific characters

1. A climber growing in rainy season.

2. Legumes — shaped like monkey's tail, with

stiff hairs causing intense itching.

3. Seeds—the useful part, resemble testicles.

4. Action — a potent aphrodisiac.

३३. कपित्थः Kapittha

१. कपित्थः (भा०) – कपयस्तिष्ठन्त्यत्र फलाशया ।

२. अक्षिसस्यः (कै०) - अक्षियुक्तं सस्यं फलमस्य ।


३. कठिनफल: (रा०) –कठिनं फलमस्य ।