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( Ela ( Elettaria cardamomum Maton. ) grows in

South India ( drāvidī, korangī )[^1]. Fruit is contracted

and small ( upakuñcika, trutā, truṭi ) and has three surfaces

( triputā ). The seeds, part used, are taken out of the

outer covering (niskuti) which are numerous

( bahula ā) and exceedingly aromatic ( bahulagandhā ).

It is stimulant (elā) and relievs ahes abdominal pain

( tutthā ).

Specific characters

1. Habitat—South India.

2. Fruit-contracted, small and with three


3. Seeds — numerous, highly aromatic.

4. Action — stimulant, relieves ahbdominal pain.

२९. <entry>कटुका</entry> Kaţukā

१. कटुका (भा० ) -कटति वर्षति पित्तस्त्रावं वर्धयतीति, 'वृषु

सेचने' ।

२. अरिष्टा (ध०) –न रिष्टमशुभमस्याः ।

३. अशोकरोहिणी (ध०) - अशोका शोकनाशिनी, रोहिणी च ।

४. आमघ्नी (ध०) - आमं हन्तीति ।

५. कटम्भरा (भा०) -कटं वर्षित्वं बिभर्ति ।

1.] 'Koringa', a port in mMasulipattinum district.
nam district.