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(gaṇarūpaka ) with flowers all the year round
( sad
puṣpa ) of the colour of the risingaṇarūpaka ) with flowers all the year round
( sadapuspa ) of the colour of the rising
sun ( arka,

bālārka, raktapuspa ). It has profuse latex in leaves

and stem ( ksiraparnṣiraparṇa, ksīrakandāṇḍaka ) with hot and
irritant properties ( arkaparn

irritant properties ( arkaparṇ
a, prataāpana ). Its parrot-
like fruits (śukaphala) have seeds with coma

which is scattered (vikīraṇa) when they burst

(asphota). It is an efficacious remedy for itching

and other skin diseases (kharjūghna ) and makes the

complexion normal ( rūpikā ).

Specific characters

1. Plant-gregarious, with profuse latex.

2. Flowers—reddish violet, all the year round.

3. Fruits — seeds with coma.

4. Action—efficacious drug for itching and other
skin diseases.

skin diseases.
१४. अर्जुन: Arjuna

१. अर्जुन: (भा०) –अर्जयति प्रापयति हृद्यताम् ।

२. इन्द्रद्रुः (भा०) –परमशक्तिसंपन्नो वृक्षः, 'इदि परमैश्वर्यै' ।

३. ककुभः (भा०) - ककुभो दिशः सन्त्यस्य, बहुविस्तृतत्वात् ।

अथवा – श्वेतत्वक्; अथवा – कं जलं स्कुभ्नाति



रुणद्धि, कषायत्वादब्धातुशोषकत्वात् ।

४. देवसाल: (नि०)–देवशक्तिसंपन्नो वृक्षः शालो वा ।

५. धवलः (भा०) – श्वेतत्वक् ।

६. नदीसर्ज: (भा०) - नदीतीरजः सर्जसदृशः ।

word low