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१०. मार्गः (कै०) – मजियति मार्गान् स्रोतांसीति ।

११. शिखरी (भा० ) – शिखरे पुष्पमञ्जरीत्वात् ।
Apāmārga (Achyranthes aspera Linn.) grows
in abundance (āghāṭā) and has flowers at the top
(śikharī). deflexed (pratyakpuṣpā) with spinous
bracteoles and pointed perianth (adhaḥśalya, khara-
mañjarī) which make it difficult to handle (dur-
graha). Leaves have close appressed hairs beneath
(markaṭī), The plant is pedominantly alkaline (kṣāra-
madhya ). It induces sneezing (kṣavaka), cleanses
channels (mārga, apāmārga) particularly head and
eliminates poison and other disorders (mayūraka).
Specific characters
1. Leaves- with close appressed hairs beneath.
2. Flowers-deflexed, with spinous bracteoles
and pointed perianth.
3. The plant is a good source of alkali.
4. Actions-cleanses channels and eliminates
poison; fruits errhine.
११. <entry>अम्लिका</entry> Amlikā
१. अम्लिका (भा०) - अम्लो रसोऽस्त्यस्याः ।
२. चिञ्चा (भा०) – चीयन्ते फलान्यस्याः, 'चिञ् चयने' ।
३. तिन्तिडी (भा०) – तिम्यत्यतिशयेनार्द्रीभवति मुखं यया, 'तिम
आर्द्रीभावे' ।