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१३. विश्वा (भा०) – आशु प्रविशति शरीरं तैक्ष्ण्यादिति, 'विश प्रवे-

शने' ।

१४. शृङ्गवेरम् (भा०) – शृङ्गाकारो वेरः कन्दोऽस्य ।

१५. शोषणम् (रा०) – शोषयत्यब्धातुमिति ।

१६. सौपर्णम् (रा० ) – शोभनानि पर्णान्यस्य; अथवा – सुपर्णस्य

गरुडस्येदम्, विषघ्नत्वात् ।
OTH) fours

Sunthi ṇṭhī(Zingiber officinale Roscoe. ) is a small

plant with leafy stem, leaves shaped like umbrella

(avākchatra) and flowers in radical spikes on long

peduncles like serpent's hood (ahicchatraka ). Rhi-

zome is nodular, tuberous and pungent ( katugranthi,

u, katubhanṭubhadra, śṛngavera) which is irritant

a) and causes burning sensation (ūṣaṇa ).

Sunthiṇṭhī itself is a dried product (of ärdraka) and
ārdraka) and
absorbs water content (soṣaṇa) and kapha (kaphāri).

It is universally reputed drug applicable in numer-

ous disorders (mahauṣadha, viśvabheṣaja ) and

assimilated quickly (viśvā). It is also anti-toxic

a). It is the best among pungents (katu-
bhadra, nagara ).
āgara ).
Specific characters

1. Leaves---spread like umbrella.

2. Flowers-in radical spikes on long peduncle.
--in radical spikes on long peduncle.
3. Rhizome---nodular, fibrous and pungent.

4. Actions---absorbs water content and kapha

and is anti-toxic.