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७. पीवरी (भा० ) – स्थूलकन्दा ।

८. फणिजिह्वापर्णी (अ०) – सर्पजिह्वावत् पत्राण्यस्याः ।

९. बहुसुता (भा०) – बहवः सुताः कन्दा अस्य ।

१०. वरी (भा०) – ओषधिषु श्रेष्ठा ।

११. शतपदी (भा०) – शतं पदानि मूलान्यस्याः ।

१२. शतवीर्या (भा०) – शतं वीर्याण्यस्याः, बहुवीर्येत्यर्थः ।

१३. सूक्ष्मपत्रा (अ०) – सूक्ष्माणि पत्राण्यस्याः ।

१४. स्वादुरसा (रा०) – स्वादुः रसोऽस्याः ।

āmarūpajñvarī ( Asparagus racemosus Willd. ) is a
climber difficult to perish (durmar
Satāvarī ( Asparagus racemosus Willd. ) is a
) and free from
external invasion ( a
ber difficult to perish (durmarā ) and free from
external invasion ( ab
hiru ) due to presence of re-

curved spines ( adharakantakā ). It has thin linear

leaves ( śūksmapatrā ) like those of snake's tongue

(phanijihväparṇī) and numerous succulent tuberous

roots ( śatavari, pivari, bahusuta, śatapadī ). It is of

saumya ( watery ) nature ( nārāyanī ) due to predo-

minance of water element and as such antagonistic

to tiksna ( sharp, irritant) substances (dvipiśatru ).

It is tasteful ( śvadurasā ), efficacious in many dis-

orders (śatavīryā) and regarded as one of the best

drugs ( vari ).

Specific characters

1. Plant—a climber armed with recurved spines.

2. Leaves—thin, linear, like serpent's tongue.

3. Roots – many, succulent, tuberous, full of


Uses-efficacious in many disorders.