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४. कटुः (अ०)– कटुः रसे विपाके च ।

५. कृष्णिका (भा०) – कृष्णवर्णा; कर्षति विलिखति शरीरमिति वा ।

६. क्षवः (भा०) — क्षौत्यनेनेति ।

७. क्षुज्जनका (भा० ) – क्षुतं जनयतीति ।

८. क्षुधाभिजनकः (भा०) – क्षुधां बुभुक्षां जनयतीति ।

९. तीक्ष्णगन्धा (भा०) – तीक्ष्णो गन्धोऽस्याः ।

१०. त्वष्टकः (प०) - त्वक्षति तनूकरोति, 'त्वक्षू तनूकरणे' ।

११. नासासंवेदनः (अ०)–नासां संवेदयति संक्षोभयतीति ।

१२. राजसर्षपः (प०) – सर्षपाणां राजा ।

Rājikā ( Brassica juncea Czern & Coss ) is a

herb the seeds of which are used. They are of dark

brown colour (kṛṣṇikā-this synonym is befitting for

rassica nigra Koch. ), pungent ( katu), highly irri-

tant ( atitīksnṣṇā, āsuri ) and sharp smelling ( tīksn) and sharp smelling ( tīkṣṇa-

gandhā) due to which they produce irritation in nose
( nāsāsam

( nāsāsaṃ
vedana ) and sneezing ( ksujjanakaā, ksava ).

They stimulate appetite and digestion (kṣudhābhija-

naka ) and are emaciating (tvastṣṭaka). It occupies

important place among the spices of mustard group

(rājikā, rājasarṣarpa)
done and

Specific characters

1. Seeds —the useful part, are of dark brown

colour, pungent, highly irritant and sharp
smelling due to which cause sneezing.
211. Actions and uses — they stimulate appetite and
alkime digestion and are emaciating; occupy impor
-colour, pungent, highly irritant and sharp
id smelling due to which cause sneezing.
bur 2. Actions and uses — they stimulate appetite and
alkime digestion and are emaciating; occupy impor-

tant place among the spices of mustard group.