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१७. समङ्गा (भा० ) – समन्ततोऽङ्गति प्रसरति, 'अगि गतौ',
अथवा – सम्यञ्चि अङ्गान्यस्याः, अङ्गानि करोतीति वा ।
Mañjiṣṭhā (Rubia cordifolia Linn.) is a climber
spreading extensively (yojanavallī, vikasā, samaṅgā,
jiṅgi). Its stem is reddish (aruṇā) and leaves arranged
in a circle (citraparṇī or cakraparṇī?). Root is red
(raktänāṇgi) in fresh state, coppery when half-dried
(tāmramulā) and black when dried completely (kālā,
kālamesikā). The root is a reputed drug for purify-
pina). Ting blood and restoring the normal complexion
(manñjiṣṭhā, rasayani, samanāyanī, samaṇgā) and alleviating glan-
dular enlargements (ganḍīri) and fever (jvarahantriī).
It is also used for dyeing cloth (vastrarañjani).
Specific characters
1. Plant--a climber spreading extensively.
2. Stem-reddish.
3. Leaves--arranged in a circle.
4. Root--red in fresh state, coppery when half
dried and black when dried completely.

5. Actions --purifies blood, alleviates glandular
enlargements and fever.

११६. <entry>मदनः

१. मदन: (भा० ) – मदयति रोमहर्षं ग्लानिञ्च जनयतीति, 'मदी हर्ष-
ग्लेपनयोः' ।

२. कफवर्धन: (नि०) –कफं वर्धते छिनत्तीति, 'वर्ध छेदने' ।