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- IV -
2. That which imparts knowledge of the forms
of substances on the basis of names. ( नामभी रूपं
ज्ञायतेऽनेनेति )
3. That which deals with proper correlation of
names and forms so that the entity can be identified
correctly. (नामरूपयोः सामञ्जस्यं ज्ञायतेऽनेनेति )
In the present book, the second one has been
followed which deals with characterization of me-
dicinal plants on the basis of etymological deriva-
tion of names and synonyms.
'Nama'¹ denotes basonyms (mukhya nāma) as
well as synonyms (paryāyas ). 'Rūpa' is specific
character (svarūpa or prakrti) which includes mor-
phology (ākṛti) as well as properties and actions
(gunadharma ). Study of nama and rūpa together of
medicinal plants constitute the branch known as
pharmacognosy which deals with cognition (identi-
fication) of medicinal plants.
1. Nirukta defines 'nāma' as that which predominates in
sattva). Durga interprets 'sattva' as
'existence of gender and number. He further quotes from
Brhaddevatā (1.42) as follows-
'शब्देनोच्चारितेनेह येन द्रव्यं प्रतीयते ।
तदक्षरविधौ युक्तं नामेत्याहुर्मनीषिणः ॥'
('Nāma' is defined by the learned as the word which on
being pronounced suggests some entity and is also used in
alphabets. )
-Durga on Nirukta 1.1.