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climber (kucelikā) having round (vṛttaparnikā) and
peltate leaves (aviddhakarnikā) with three or more
prominent nerves (trisirā). Fruit has single stony
seed (ekāṣṭhīlā, ekaiṣikā). Patha is one of the best
bitters (varatiktikā) and is a potent drug (mahaujasī,
vīrā) alleviating diseases (papacelikā, vṛkī) and
providing alround well being of the people (śreyasi,
ambastha) and as such respected everywhere (pāṭhā).
It stimulates digestive fire (dipani, bodhaki ).
stabilises body fluid (vāruṇī, sthāpanī), checks di-
arrhoea and dysentery (sthapanī), purifies blood
(raktaghnī), improves relish (rucisyā), destroys
poison (vişahantri) and stregthens voice (pāṭhā,
Specific characters
1. Habitat-mostly Eastern part, Malwa.
2. Leaves-round, peltate, with three prominent
3. Fruits with single, stony seed.
4. Actions one of the best bitters, efficacious
in digestive disturbances, diarrhoea and
dysentery, blood disorders, poison and weak-
ness of voice.