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१२. रक्तपुष्पकः (भा०) – रक्तानि पुष्पाण्यस्य ।
१३. वक्रपुष्पकः (सो०) –वक्रं पुष्पमस्य ।
१४. वातहर: (भा० ) – वातस्य हरः शामकः । 'वातरोध': इति
अष्टाङ्गनिघण्टौ, 'वातपोथः' इति सोढले पाठः ।
१५. वानप्रस्थ: (प०) –वने प्रस्थो वासोऽस्य ।
१६. समिद्वर: (भा०) – यज्ञेषु प्रयुक्तानां समिधां श्रेष्ठः ।
Palāśa (Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntz ) is
a sacred tree (pūtadṛu) used in religious rites and
scarifices (yajñika, brahmavrkṣa, samidvara). It
grows wildly (vanaprastha), has characteristic leaves
(palāśa, parna) with three rough leaflets (kharaparna,
tripatra). Flowers are red (raktapuspaka ) and curved
(vakrapuspaka ) typical of papilionatae resembling
parrot's beak (kimśuka). Seeds are oily (bíjasneha )
and make a potent anthelmintic drug (krmighna).
It also pacific vata (vātahara). The plant is one of
the best among the sources of alkali (kṣāraśreṣṭha ).
Specific characters
1. Plant-grows wild.
2. Leaves-rough, trifoliate.
3. Flowers-red, curved.
4. Seeds-oily,
5. Actions and uses-It pacific vata and is one
of the best sources of alkali; seeds anthel-