2023-05-10 17:23:38 by Akshatha
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त्वाच्च ।
११. विशोधनी (सो०) – शरीरं विशोधयतीति ।
having yellow wood and flowers (d
pītadru, pītadāru ) making yellow dye like kusumbha
(kusumbhalā). The important part of the plant is
wood ( dārv
spines on margins of leaves ( ka
Fruits appear in rainy season (parjanyā ). It is pu-
rifier ( viśodhan
improves liver functions ( pacampacā ).
Specific characters
1. Plant — with yellow wood.
2. Leaves—spiny on margins.
3. Fruits — appear in rainy season.
4. Action – purifier, anthelmintic, improves liver
८४.<entry> दूर्वा </entry> Dūrvā
१. दूर्वा (भा०) - दूरीकरोति सन्तापं वारयति च रोगान् प्रदरादीनिति;
यथोक्तं प्रियंनिघण्टौ-
'दूरीकरोति संतापं तथा वारयति व्यथाम् ।
दूर्वेति नामधेया स्याद् यथा नाम तथा गुणः ॥'
इति; अथवा – दुर्वति हिनस्ति रोगान्, हिंस्यते वा
पदाघातैः पशुभिश्चेति, 'दुर्वी हिंसायाम्' ।