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तुम हो वैसे ही अनुमान से मैं ने समझा है. जो मेरे लिये उचित
है, उसे ही अपना कर भारी भवताप से मुझे उबारो । जय हो हे
महिषासुरमर्दिनी! जय हो रमणीय जटजुटधारणी! जय हो शैलपुत्री!
जय हो अम्बामाता ! सदा तुम्हारी जय हो । ।।२१।।
Hail, Oh Uma, you should be compassionate
to the afflicted and kind. Hail Oh Rama, with
your kindness you are the mother of the
universe. You have been conjunctured (to be
such) as you are. Oh Revered One, adopt that
which is fit for me. Remove my extensive
sorrow. Oh Goddess, who has crushed the demon,
Mahisha, wearing a beautiful knot of hair, Oh
Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to
you, Victory to you. (21)
इति श्रीजयमङ्गलाचार्य (श्रीमहामण्डलेश्वरकाशिकानन्दयति)
स्वामिना विरचिता महिषासुरमर्दिनीस्तोत्रव्याख्या ।।