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कर अवलम्बन करता है अर्थात् चिन्तन करता है उसको इन्द्रपुरी
की चन्द्रमुखी सुमुखी अप्सराएँ भी क्या विमुख करेंगी ? नहीं, स्वयं
उसके अधीन बनेंगी । ऐसी स्थिति में है माता ! तुम्हारे चरणों को
शरण स्वीकार करने वाले मेरे अभीष्ट अवश्य सिद्ध होगा इस विषय
में कहना ही क्या ? ||२०||
Oh Pure One, the person who looks upon your
moonlike face together with its digits causing
a bond (with your essence) as the bank ( beyond
which the river of sorrow does not proceed)
will he ever be turned away by the ladies of
Indra's City, having moonlike faces and
auspicious faces ? Oh Goddess, having the name
of Siva as her treasure, or my opinion is that
with kindness you achieve it. Oh Goddess, who
has crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a
beatiful know of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to
you. ( 20 )
प्रार्थनामाह -