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क्यों नहीं पा सकेगा ? अवश्य पा सकेगा । मैं तो प्रतिमा को क्या
आप के साक्षात् चरण को ही शरण बना लूँगा जो परम मङ्गल
मोक्षस्वरूप है जहाँ समस्त देववाणी वेदवाणी समर्पित है अर्थात् जिस
का प्रतिपादन करती है । ।।१९।।
One who sprinkles the stage meant for (the
dance of) your divine qualities with waters of
rivers in which bits of shining Nagakesara have
been mixed, will he not share the happy
experience of embracing the sides of
pitcher-like breasts of Indrani? Oh Siva who
conceals (the nature of Brahman), who are
Speech Divine and to whom gods bow down, I
resort to your feet, Oh goddess, who has
crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming
knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to
you. (19)
यथोचिताभिषेकाशक्तानां स्मरणमात्रं कदाचित् कुर्वतां
पामराणामपि स्वर्गफलप्रातिमाह -