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का ध्यान समाधि आदि) बताया और वैसा करने पर उन को सफलता
मिली । कैसे ? उस समाधि में तुम्हारी प्रसन्नता हुई और तुम ने
इन दोनों को वरदान दिया । ।।१७।।
Oh Goddess, the only time praised by the
thousand hands of Sahasrarjuna who had
excelled the thousand-rayed Sun by his valour,
having a son like Karttika who had fought a
victorious battle in the clash between gods and
Tarakasura, one for whom pleasure is created
in the accomplishment (accorded by Sage
Medhas) by giving justification for the
self-same mental agony of (King) Suratha and
(the Vaisya) Samadhi, who has crushed the
demon. Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain ( Himalaya ),
Victory to you, Victory to you. ( 17 )
स्तुतिपूजादि फलं प्रदर्शयन् स्तौति त्रिभिः - तत्र वरिवस्याफलं