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Oh Goddess, having a cheerful disposition,
who is possessed of very attractive lustre like
gods whose minds are delicate like flowers,
possessed of a face like the moon which causes
the white lotus to bloom the lotus which
originates in the clear waters and who has
resorted to the pollen that is yellow like
termeric, who chastised the demon, Bhramara by
the movements of beautiful eyes which cause the
semblence of violent bees, who has crushed the
demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming knot of
hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain (Himalaya),
Victory to you, Victory to you. (11)
ललितारूपेण स्तौति -
विरचित-वल्लिक-पल्लिक-मल्लिक-झिल्लिक-भिल्लिक-वर्ग-वृते ।
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते।।१२।।