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Creatures, by the jingling of her anklets,
which make the sound "jhana, jhana, jhinjhimi,
jhin", who takes delight in the lovely music
sung in the drama acted by Siva in the form of
half-female and half-male when he has started
his dance, who has crushed the demon, Mahisha,
wearing a charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter
of Mountain (Himalaya), Victory to you,
Victory to you. (10)
भ्रामरीरूपेण स्तौति -
अयि सुमनः सुमनः सुमनः सुमनः सुमनोहरकान्तियुते
श्रितरजनीरज-नीरज-नीरजनी रजनीकर वक्तयुते ।
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ।।११।।
अयि सुमन इति । शोभनं मनो यस्याः तत्सम्बुद्धौ हे सुमनः।
सुमनः सदृशानि पुष्पकोमलानि सुमनांसि शोभनमनांसि येषां तेषां
सुमनसां देवानां विदुषां वा । "विद्वांसो वै देवा" इति श्रुतेः ।
सुमनोहरया अत्यन्तमनोज्ञया कान्त्या युते । पुनश्च श्रितेति । श्रितो