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Hail, Oh Goddess whose palm offers
blessings and fearlessness to the heroic
husbands of wives of enemies who were seeking
shelter (with you), in who is holding in her
hand the hand the sparkling spear which is
placed on the necks of oppondents who are the
headache of the three worlds, who has rendered
noisy the multitude of directions with the joy
of drum-beats of gods making "dum, cum" sound,
who has crushed the demon Mahisha, wearing a
charming knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to you. ( 8 )
नानासात्विकलीला आचष्टे -
सुरललना-ततथेयि- तथेयि-कृताभिनयोदर-नृत्य-रते
कृत-कुकुथःकुकुथो-गडदादिकताल-कुतूहल-गान-रते ।
धुधुकुट धुक्कुट - धिन्धिमित - ध्वनि-धीर-मृदङ्ग - निनाद-रते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ।।९।।
सुरललनेति । सुरललनाभिः सुराङ्गनाभिः ततथेयीत्याद्यनुकरणम्