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सुन्दर जटाजूट धारिणी शैलकुमारी ॥७॥
Oh Goddess, whose bangles are set in motion,
because of the limb (hand) which throbs by its
association with the joyous occasion of the
twanging of bow, who mainly struck at the necks
of soldiers, reverberating with quivers full
of arrows which were tawny like gold, whose
striplings were shouting in diversified manner
on the battlefield where the destruction of the
fourfold army was effected (by you ), who has
crushed the demon, Mahisha, wearing a charming
knot of hair, Oh Daughter of Mountain
(Himalaya), Victory to you, Victory to you. (7)
युद्धचरमावस्थामाह -
अयि शरणागत - वैरिवधू - वरवीरवराभय-दायिकरे
त्रिभुवन - मस्तकशूल - विरोधि-शिरोधि - कृताऽमल-शूल - करे ।
दुमिदुमितामरदुन्दुभि-नाद-महो- मुखरीकृत- दिङ्निकरे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ।।८।।