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I mean to say, that instead of determining history on the basis of
such inscriptions, it is desirable that they should attempt to
disclose true history, dispassionately on a careful study of books
like this which embody the versions by the nearest relations. Let
me not be misunderstood. I am only anxious to draw their
attention to this aspect of the matter.
Suratranudu: Who this Surathrana of Madhura, killed by
Kamparaja was, is a subject about which the historians are getting
confused and could not decide correctly. This Kavya describes
him as 'तुरुष्कसाम्राज्यकृताभिषेकम् ”, ' वल्लालसंपल्लतिकाकुठारम् ' ( S 1. 38, 27,
Sar. 9). This sultan is no other than the murderer of Ballala.
"This Ballala is referred to as 'संपल्लतिक'. The above sloka
clarified that this sultan is the Muslim emperor. We shall
now discuss what history says about this, when and how the
Surathranas conquered Madhura, who they were, of what
time, and who this Surathrana killed by Kampana was.
Madhura was the capital of the Pandya kingdom. The
country, now to the south of the Rayalaseema was then divided
into Chola and Pandya (Chera) regions. This was in the 14th
century. In 1310 A.D. Veera Pandya was its ruler. Sundara
Pandya was his step brother. He sought the help of Allauddin
Khilji then Sultan of Delhi, out of avarice for kingship. Exploi-
ting this situation, the sultan already pining for conquering south
India, sent his Vazir Maalik Kaffar with armies to Madhura.
Maalik Kaffar took Veera Pandya as a captive and sent him to
Delhi. He stayed for some time at Madhura and then keeping
his henchmen there left for Delhi. This is the beginning of
Madhura falling a prey to the hegemony of the Muslim rule,
loosing independence and to be subjected to untold privations.