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It is now necessary to discuss who these Pandyas and Cholas
If this is known, it will thin be established that the
Muslim ruler who defeated and drove them away was the counter-
part of the hero of this Kavya. Before determining who the
Suratrana, that died in the hands of Kamparaya, was, it is essen-
tial to narrate the history of the Muslims to some extent.
In 1323, Mohammad-Bin-Toglak after annexing the Pandya
Kingdom to his empire, made it a region and appointed a Chief-
tain to administer it. From 1323 to 1334, the supremacy of the
Sultan was unchallenged. But, one Ferish Jalaluddin Ahasan
Shah revolted against the Sultan and declared <error>independenc</error><fix>independence</fix> in
1338. During the fifth year of his rule he was murdered by some-
body. Two others came to the kingdom of Madhura and died in
a short time. By the invasion that was launched next, the entire
east coast as far as Sethubandha Rameswaram was annexed to the
Vijayanagar empire.
Invasion of Kampana
"Invasion of Kampana started from Bimbi and extended upto
Srirangam. He drove away the Muslim Thanya from there and con-
quered it. Kamparaja got purification ceremonies conducted for
the temple, then proceeded stealthily against Madhura, killed the
Sultan in battle, and conquered it. We can safely assume that.
this Kamparaya defeated the Muslim kings several times and won
victories" (vide page 161 of Mohammadan <flag>Mahayu a'</flag>). One
Vatsa raja appears to be the minister during the reign of Hari-
hararaya and Bukkaraya. He was the son of Keertiraja. He
averted famine by undertaking the excavation and completion of
various works of public utility, viz., Sea of Bukkaraya, Keerti
Samudra, Nagappa tank, Bacchappa tank, Chodappa channel etc.