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Tondamandalam was created as a serfdom by the Rajas of Vijaya-
nagar, with a view to thwart the inroads of the Muslim expansion,
its ruler having been a tool in the hands of the Muslims by 1352
A. D., it must be assumed, that, it was brought into being as an
inveterate enemy of the Rajas of Vijayanagar. Whether in exis-
tence from times immemorial or carved out newly, Tondamanda-
lam was the serfdom of the Muslims. The forest king Champaraya
was a satellite of the Muslim <error>roler</error><fix>ruler</fix>. He was killed by Kamparaya
in 1352. Historians assert that he was the same as Rajanarayana
who lived till 1362 A. D. They further opine, that he was not
killed by Kamparaya but was let off. In this Kavya it was clearly
described that he was done to death by Kamparaya in a duel.
(Sloka 82 Sarga 4). They say, that it was so described to exagge-
rate the virtues of the hero. It is absurd. For, to let off the
enemy that surrendered and sought protection would be more
glorious and redounds to the credit of the hero than to have killed
him, if it was not true. Besides, this is an epic that abounds not
only in poetic beauties and excellences but also in facts of history
correctly embodied and protected. Even at the inception, the
poetess asserted "मधुराविजयं नामचरितं कम्पभूपतेः" (S. 1 Slok 25)
that this is the history of King Kampa though termed as conquest
of Madhura. Consistently thereto, the several descriptions in
the Kavya proclaim that the authoress has also a historical outlook
throughout. While the other Kavya writers indulge in descriptions.
of the traditional four types of fighting forces, this authoress gave
up descriptions of Chariot warfare and of 'Astra warfare. She
has moulded the description of the longings of the pregnant
Devaayi as complementary to the person and virtues of Kam-
paraya (Slokas 29, 30 in S. 2, Slokas 8, 13 & 15 in S. 3 etc).
Alike, she has reflected the regal insignia, apparel and jewellery