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Revealed in
Kamparaya was the prince of Vijayanagar. The empire of
Hari Hara was not described in this work. Its story starts with
Bukkaraya only. Bukkaraya was mentioned only as the brother of
Harihara Raya. To this extent only, reference was made to
Harihararaya. (Sarga 1, Sloka 26). Bukkaraya was a Kshatriya.
This is borne out by the propriety of the various descriptions in
this Kavya. (Sarga 1, Slokas 30, 68 and 72). In addition, the
descriptions relating to the Sastric rituals undergone by Kampa-
raya, the ceremonies of bathing etc., observed by Bukkaraya at
the birth of Kamparaya, the vedic blessings conferred on
Kamparaya at the time of his invasions, the performance of
Sandhya etc., also, establish the above fact. History describes
them as the descendants of the Lunar Dynasty. (See Comm. on
Sarga 1, Slokas 26). Bukkaraya is the most renowned of all the
Rajas of Vijayanagar.
(Vide description No. 256 of the taluk of Madras of the dis-
trict of Hassan in Volume 5, of Epigraphiea Karnatica.) Therein
it is stated, that though Harihara was the king, Bukkaraja alone
was mentioned as having built and named Vijayanagar.
History does not deny this. (Vide under the heading 'Veeras
ballala'). There are some stories and histories stating, that, by
the time Vijayanagar assumed full shape, Bukkaraya was it-
Samraat. He held sway over Vijayanagar for a very long time.