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a mirage. Their treasures were looted. The social life and
religious faith of the Hindus were destroyed. They were reduced
to slavery and subjected to unspeakable hardships. Fine arts, culture,
and Vedic Dharma were suppressed ruthlessly beyond recognition.
Kamparaya, salvaged Hindu Religion and race from such an
ocean of misery, gave protection, strove his best for the prosperity
of the country and thus discharged his duties as the ruler of
He rejuvenated several decadent temples, reinstalled several
deities, built several new temples, granted several donations and
agraharams to the Brahmins and effectively defeated the Hercu-
lean efforts of the Muslim rule aimed to root out Hindu Religion.
It is therefore no exaggeration to say that Kumara Kamparaya was
partly responsible for the resuscitation of the Hindu Religious life.
and for the future glory of the Vijayanagar empire. His talents
were reflected not only in war and in the rejuvenation of Hindu
Religion, but also in the fields of Music and Literature. He
earned titles 'Sangeethaika Nidhi' and 'Sangeetha Sahitya-
rnava' and 'Gana Paramamaheswara'.
These indicate that he was a great poet and had abundant
depth of culture in music and poetry. It is therefore a great good
fortune to recollect the history of such a great warrior and a
versatile genius.
This Kavyam (poetic piece) resembles the Raghuvamsa of
Kalidasa in sweetness and simplicity in style. Sree Sastry's life
became blessed, in having been able to be the first to place the
merits of this Kavya into the hands of the literary world. Being
a renowned poet he was able to bring out and elucidate the Sastraic
traditions, characteristics and poetic conventions very beautifully.