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describes the final battle with the Muslims and the conquest of
Madhurai by Kampana after a crushing defeat inflicted on the
Sultan in battle.
The first four cantos deal with the elimination of the Sambu-
varaya rule in Tondaimandalam and the last two cantos with the
extermination on the Sultanate at Madhurai--the fulfilment of the
two exhortations of Bukka to his son Kampana.
The first four cantos have now been published with an excel-
lent Sanskrit commentary called "Bhavaprakasika" by Sri
Potukucchi Subrahmanya Sastri. Sri Potukucchi Subrahmanya
Sastri, the author of the commentary called Bhavaprakasika
on the Madhuravijayam of Ganga Devi, has rendered a great service
to <error>Sanskri</error><fix>Sanskrit</fix> Literature. The first part of the commentary is on the
first four cantos of the poem. Couched in simple Sanskrit, the
commentary is neither too short nor too long and seeks to elucidate
successfully many abstruse ideas which require explanation. The
author's mastery of the Vyakarana and Alamkara Sastras is evident
throughout the work. His proficiency in the Vedanta and Mantra
Sastra is clear in the explanation of the first few verses of canto I.
The commentary on a few verses preceding and following verse 30
of canto III bear out the author's scholarship in Kautilya's Artha-
sastra and similar works. The Bhavaprakasika has significantly
revealed the inner meaning of many verses and thereby has justfied
its name. The learned author deserves to be ranked along with
the earlier commentators like Mallinatha.